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Michael Cundall Jr.
Feb 8, 20225 min read
Are We Really Funnier Now?
Apparently, one way to get a response and get more views of your blog, is to pick a fight with a blog or person way more popular than...
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Michael Cundall Jr.
Feb 8, 20224 min read
How Humor can Help with Meetings
In a recent article, author Alison Green bemoans meetings and the negative effects they can and often have. They're too long. They wander...
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Michael Cundall Jr.
Feb 8, 20223 min read
Say Stuff a Little Differently
One of the hardest things any teacher, speaker or presenter has to do is keep their audience engaged. We well know and have all...
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Michael Cundall Jr.
Feb 8, 20225 min read
Biden's Joke
Recently humor became a focal point of another political imbroglio for possible presidential candidate, Joe Biden. The lead up to the...
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