How did you all do with laugh at work week? I didn't do too bad. I teach, so it's easy to get some laughs, even when we're in the section covering the belief in a Christian God. This one can be a touchy topic, but I've found that using wit and a light touch gets good results. This topic also provides a nice segue into two important facts about this blog. As I post over some or all of my blog posts from the old site, I need to leave the web address to the old site. Please go and have a look. There are only a 50 or so. I will do my best to move them over expeditiously, but with my main job and parenting duties taking much of my time, I can't always spare the hours to move them over. Plus you can see the old website and laugh at my "design" skills.

The second reason this post is good is that it allows me to preview a blog post coming later this week will be a longer post on why one should use humor if you're a teacher. The short answer is you should.
Of course, there is another reason to post this. We can now learn the answer to the old question, "Can you teach an old blog new tricks?" Ok, it's a groaner for sure and clearly a Dad joke, but it's a smidge clever.